It was another placement to teach at the local school however Di found there seemed to be a need for so much more than the regular lesson. Find out how God demonstrated His love and message of hope at the right time.
I am a casual teacher, taking job opportunities in government schools, as they come, believing they are a divine appointment for the glory of God to collide in the lives of the children.
Recently I was booked to take a year 1 class for 11 days over a 4-week period.
So, this was basically 3 days a week for 4 weeks.
The school was extremely supportive but the class was extremely challenging.
The headmaster told me in all his years of teaching, he had never known a class like it.
Eight of the students were on the behavioural issues list.
The whole year 1 had an unusually high percentage of behavioural needs.
I have never known the Lord to galvanize so much prayer for a particular group of children.
On my fifth day, a 6 year old boy used the blades of a pencil sharpener to slash the teacher’s chair!
One boy’s permanent disposition was anger.
Another was simply out of control, defiant and left to himself.
One girl caught in the midst of an acrimonious divorce was totally defiant. When I asked her to do something, she would simply say, "NO!" And then lay on the floor, whilst the class and I had to step around her. There is more, but you get the picture.
So, I majored on calling them shining stars as their class is 1S.
On the last Wednesday, they wrote affirmations on gold stars about themselves and attached them to their backpack. On the Thursday they wrote a gold star for a class mate.
On the Friday, the last day I was with them, they wrote a gold star for their parents.
While they were writing on the stars the Lord led me to sit beside the young girl who would say NO. She turned to me and said my parents don’t live together.
I said that doesn’t stop them from loving you. I repeated over and over “they will always love you”.
Then I placed my hand above her heart and made a declaration.
I used the word LOVE as a synonym for GOD for “GOD is LOVE”.
I declared that she would always be filled with love, know the voice of love, follow the voice of love, be led by love, walk in love etc.
This little girl sat as though in a trance!!! She was an angel for the rest of the afternoon and I called her by her name followed by the word angel for the remainder of the day. PRAISE GOD!!! I believe she is transformed forever!
On that last day the mother of the boy who was out of control and who I thought I made little impact, gave me a gift, thanking me for “nurturing” her son. I was stunned!
I had not told the class on the Thursday, that the Friday would be my last day. I also didn’t have any conversations with the mum except for a wave and a smile. This means the mum deliberately kept track of when I would be leaving and organised herself accordingly. The gift tag was in the shape of the gold star that I had sent home with the children.
On the following Monday, I was back to that school but with a different class. The children from 1S were all delighted to see me.
The first one to come running up to me and give me a hug was the girl I had spoken LOVE into. The troubled boy came for a hug as did the angry boy. One child said to me, “Ms, you are a shining star!”
I PRAISE God for what HE has done in the lives of these children. I PRAISE HIM for allowing me to work there on the Monday to see the FRUIT (the change) in their faces.
The Lord also connected me with a Catholic SRE teacher. I never know if and when I will have the opportunity to meet SRE teachers, so once again a divine appointment. I gave her Ps Tom’s book, 'Worshipping You' and told her about Miracle Education. Then the following week I received a text from her
“Thanks for the book and the website. You are the guardian angel that God sent to strengthen me to continue to spread the Word of God to the small little ones. God Bless.”
That woman was about to quit SRE. The Lord knew she needed encouragement and so sent me.
Then the Lord connected us on her next day to teach SRE and I initiated praying with her. We agreed together for the salvation of the entire school!
I considered that a good day’s work!
~ Di