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Image by Nicolas Lobos


Thursdays | 7:00 pm | Week 2 & 4.
Get in touch to confirm details.

Life Groups are an integral part of how we do 'life' at Sydney Life Church - in relationship with Jesus and one another.

 We encourage all of our members to join a Life Group so they can mature in the Word, connect with others in the church family and be supported and encouraged in their Christian walk by each other. 


Mosman + Newport

We currently have two Life Groups in Mosman and Newport that meet every fortnight on Thursdays from 7-9pm.


If you would like to join one of these groups, please contact us.


Neutral Bay

Our women's Life Group called 'Amore' meets on the first and last Saturday of every month as follows:


First Saturday: Cafe Free, Shop 1/48 Yeo Street, Neutral Bay 
Last Saturday: Downstairs room, Sydney Life Church, 2 Yeo Street, Neutral Bay 

Time: 10:30am-12pm

All women are welcome!

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