27 Oct 2019
The answer to life’s big challenges is always in our relationship with God. He is our creator. He is our Provider and “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). Read how Joseph and his wife put God first and He made a way.
One of ten children, I was born and raised in a small town in Ghana, West Africa.
For seven years I travelled for work from to Qatar
I was the only one in my family to travel so far.
While I was grateful for work, it was hard to be apart from my family.
For the first two years I would travel to Qatar and work and then travel home to be with the family for one month and then return to Qatar. The next five years I would travel twice a year home to for one month and return to Qatar for work. It was always hard at the end of the month to leave my family. I found this very emotionally difficult. During this time, I married and we welcomed our son, Joel.
I prayed to God, I don’t want to feel this pain about going back and forth from my home and family. At the same time a friend told me about agents who come to the middle east to look for specific skilled workers to go to Australia and other countries. He said he could put me forward for a meeting.
I knew to get my family to move would be very difficult. At the end of one month after a home visit, I was about to leave again and this time, I had made up my mind to come to Australia.
I looked to God in this and prayed for in my life and in the lives of my family. I believed God would make a way for me so as to not be so hard to live away from my family.
My wife and I would pray and fast every Tuesday (as both my son and I were born on a Tuesday). My wife was born on a Sunday and we would take communion on this day and pray specifically for our future. Always praising God and giving Him thanks for what He has done for us and thanking Him for His will and plan for our lives.
One time during my work time an agency came to the middle east to recruit people and my friend put my name forward. We had to do a lot to get the job in Australia. We completed forms and attended interviews and then the agent helped us. We met all the requirements and then the agent helped us to apply for the visas. . (ref Matthew 6:9-13)
We prayed may . So, we knew it was from God when we were accepted. So many apply but don’t get it.
Although my wife and son and I got our visas for Australia the same day, I decided to come to Australia first and prepare and save for my family to join me. I started working as mechanical technician in the North of Sydney and lived in a share house with others who were new to the country.
We were blessed by prayers, support and gifts from people. On October 22, my wife and son were able to join me.
We trusted and prayed for God to make a way for our family to be together. Within the year He blessed us with work and made a way for us in a new country. He made it all possible.
Because we prayed, we knew God would answer us. He had invested so much in us already. As His word says,
Raised in a Christian family, my late Dad was a prophet. My Grandmother, also a prophet did not go to school and did not learn English yet she could read the Bible. We grew up praising God at all times.
Praises to the Lord all the time in my mouth, when in little and when in plenty.
He is good and faithful. We trusted, prayed and fasted to be together as a family and He bought friends, people, situations to bless us and our future.
Join me in singing praise, “What a beautiful name is Jesus, nothing compares to Him and His amazing love. He took the fall so we could live.” We will always sing a song of praise to Him.