28 Feb 2021
Have you noticed a few coincidences lately? In God there is no such thing as coincidence. He is purposeful! He perfectly positions people at the right place and right time. We see the evidence of this as we lean into His will. Read how Penny discovered as she signed up for an Art Class, God’s loving pursuit of a beautiful new friend. This is a revelation of God’s great love and yearning for ALL people to accept His invitation for relationship with Him and eternal position with Him.
“In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2-3</p>
Have you noticed a few coincidences lately? In God there is no such thing as coincidence. He is purposeful! He perfectly positions people at the right place and right time. We see the evidence of this as we lean into His will. Read how Penny discovered as she signed up for an Art Class, God’s loving pursuit of a beautiful new friend. This is a revelation of God’s great love and yearning for ALL people to accept His invitation for relationship with Him and eternal position with Him. “In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2-3
When I was on holidays a friend told me about a university for mature students. I had always had an interest in the arts and being creative. I thought it would be a little fun and I decided to join the local Art class.
At the same time, I prayed God would use me and lead me where He wanted.
Our class leader, Ruth was an accomplished artist and she encouraged me to nurture my creativity.
Early in the class, I created a butterfly with pencil shavings photographed it and showed Ruth. She thought this was remarkable. We discussed how this could be made into a card. I made another and gave her the butterfly card the following week.
Ruth discussed the card idea with her friend Lynne and at the time mentioned my name.
Lynne thought this was an interesting coincidence as she had bought the house, I had previously lived in. While Lynne and I had communicated by email and phone we had not met.
Lynne decided she would come along to the art class and meet me face to face.
This was a great opportunity to chat and over lunch we discovered we both believed in Jesus and the power of prayer.
As conversation led, I prayed for class members from time to time and had also offered to pray for Lynne’s friend and our group leader Ruth.
One day in conversation Ruth explained she had given up on all things to do with God some time ago.
Another day during the class, I learned Ruth had been diagnosed with a serious health condition.
Knowing I was offering to pray for her, Ruth invited me to come to her house for lunch. Sadly, this did not take place as a few days later she was taken to hospital.
When I first visited her in hospital, I took her treats and a little New Testament, God’s Word. I was astounded with God’s perfect timing. I had prayed for the room to be free from others and it was and I also asked for Him to guide my words. Ruth listened as I read God’s Word and she seemed content for this. Then she asked if I sang and I said mostly in church and I loved to worship God. She asked, “Can you sing for me?” There was a peace and time to do this. I sang healing salvation scriptures over her whilst laying hands on her, and she said, “Thank you. I knew you would have a nice voice!”
During the next visit, I asked her, “If Jesus was true, what do you think He would be like?” She thought for a while and said... “He wouldn't be religious, he would be slim but not skinny, He wouldn't have a golden halo on his head and He would love animals!” She said “There should be more people protecting animals.” She explained she liked them more than people. I replied, “Well you have pretty well summed up Jesus!” There came a time when she had to move to a nursing home. I prayed and asked the Lord for the right place for her to get the best care. The Lord showed me a place, where myself and two friends had for many years brought a Sunday afternoon service to the residents. Two weeks later she moved to this Home which was not the practical choice, but God knew. On 28th February, I visited and prayed with her and read John 3 to her and asked, “Would you like to be born of the spirit, to spend your eternity with Jesus?” She replied, “Yes.” It was the most wonderful joy to be able to lead her in repentance and acceptance of the precious gift of Salvation.
Probably her last words to me were, " This is amazing I would never let anyone like you near me normally and now look at us!I said, “Yep now the Lord has made us sisters!”
Ruth told me during one visit, as a child, she had been to church and attended scripture classes at school. She didn't explain why she had given up on Him. Interestingly He positioned people and places for Ruth to accept His invitation of eternity with Him.
I will always be thankful knowing the Lord loves us so much that even if we are far away from Him, He will never give up. He will pursue.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)