1 June 2019
The holiday was booked, Mary and her husband were looking forward to time with family and looking after their young grandson. One morning it became evident Mary was experiencing a condition whereby it was painful to walk. Read how Mary declared His Word constantly to bring healing and change.
The holiday was booked, Mary and her husband were looking forward to time with family and looking after their young grandson. One morning it became evident Mary was experiencing a condition whereby it was painful to walk. Read how Mary declared His Word constantly to bring healing and change.
Almost exactly a year ago, God healed me of an ongoing and very painful problem with my foot. I am not at all medical but I think it's called (plantar fasciitis). First thing in the morning, as I put my foot onto the floor, I would experience a severe shooting pain right up from my heel.
This had been going on for a short while, perhaps a week or more. I sat before the Lord and asked Him if there was anyone I needed to forgive. And we know to do this, to keep short account with the Lord.
I was doing what I knew to do... And, when this didn't have any immediate, significant impact, I felt to go before the Lord again, just thinking and praying, about what I should do.
At this time, my husband and I were planning a trip to the UK to visit our son, Christian and his wife so we could mind our grandson Henry while they went on holiday.
I began to say to the Lord: "Look Lord, you have to do something for me here. I am in a lot of pain and I just don't want to be the old "granny", limping along, trying to catch up with a cheeky six year old."
And as I sat there, I felt the Holy Spirit impress on my heart that scripture from John 10:10, where Jesus says:
"The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that they may have life & have it in abundance".
I felt a righteous anger rise up in my spirit: I suddenly had the realisation, the enemy is really trying to steal the blessing God had planned for us! I started to do what Pastor Tom tells us to do: declare out loud the scriptures over my situation.
I am not implying that I never reached for medication - of course I did. I was in a lot of pain. But eventually, I did get to the point where I was declaring out the scripture BEFORE I reached for the painkillers.
After a time, I settled on just two scriptures: I would be saying "Thank you Father, You are my God who forgives all of my sins and heals all of my diseases." (from Psalm.103) And: "Thank you Lord Jesus that You came that I might have Life and have it in abundance" (John10:10)
I was declaring out those scriptures perhaps, 30-40 times a day. I was muttering them, mulling over them, building up my spirit with the Truth. And there had been a definite improvement in my condition. No doubt. I wasn't completely healed, but I was very much improved. Not enough to be running after 6 year old Henry, mind, but much improved.
Eventually, when we boarded the plane - and I don't know about you, but I never get excited until I am actually sitting in the seat. And then the Captain announced we would be delayed on the Tarmac for about an hour. I thought it might be a good time to pray! I started off with Thanksgiving. Scripture says “pray with Thanksgiving”, so I did. Just ordinary Thanksgiving: "Thank you Lord for the level of healing I have received; Thank you Lord for the level of strength I do have; Thank you Lord for Henry, Thank you for the opportunity to look after him and get to know him, ... just the ordinary things of life."
And then I began to sing some verses of praise songs. And all this in SILENCE - in my spirit - because this is on a plane packed with hundreds of people.
Then, I was singing in Tongues - and I felt my spirit lift to another dimension. I was seated in Heavenly realms. Ephesians 2:6 says,
"And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the Heavenly realms in Christ Jesus."
It was as though the Father had set about to prove to me, "Worship Heals" and evil cannot influence me when I truly KNOW, that I am seated with Christ Jesus in Heavenly realms.
Every cell in my body was Alive and Worshipping the living God. I felt I was in a bubble of protection as I worshipped.
Then I felt as though a shaft of the Glory of God came into my being - and I just KNEW, I would walk off the plane, completely healed and never have that problem again.
It was such a strangely peaceful experience. Protected by a "bubble" of the Presence of God. Yet acutely aware of being confined in the seat, the buckle heavy on my lap. I could hear, remotely, the cabin staff giving the safety instructions. And then my husband beside me oblivious, reading out the menu and telling me to order champagne. And all the while -I am in this exhilarated state of "aliveness" in His mighty Presence.
Ephesians 2:10 says:
"For we are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do."
God had prepared in advance for me to be Blessed and to be a Blessing. And He went to a lot of trouble to show me that. He is so Good.
Let's give Him the Glory today.
~ Mary