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We can hope and pray for many things however we often overlook the most important relationships in our lives. Kirsty decided it was time to trust and seek God to bring the right person into her life. Find out how her prayers were answered.

I had been trusting God to meet the right man for quite a few years. Sometimes there is a bit of shame or embarrassment when a person says, I’m trusting God to meet my future husband/wife but I strongly feel this needs to change in church culture. Trusting God to bring the right person into your life is extremely important, as it can irrevocably affect your destiny, in a good or bad way. So, asking God for His guidance is wise. 

I had reached my early 30’s with a growing list of failed relationships which I knew was not God’s best or Gods plan for me. Most of my friends where already married with kids, which just made me feel even more ready to find ‘the one’.

A friend of mine was trusting God too so we decided to stand together and pray and lift each other up every day and one day a week fast something, like coffee. We did this for a few months then one day at church I got a prophetic word. The pastor said this to me, “You’ve been trusting God for 3 specific things, well today I want to tell you God has heard your prayer and the answers are on the way”.

That night I rejoiced and started thanking God as I knew one of the things, I had specifically been trusting for was to meet the right man. 6 weeks later I met my now husband at a friend’s wedding.

Looking back now it was a long and tiring journey but I know that by digging deep into God and really trusting Him, I activated a change in the spiritual realm that became a reality in the physical realm.

If you are trusting God to meet your life partner don’t give up!! God is faithful and it is His desire that you are not alone. Stand strong even if it has been years and years. You can activate a change in your circumstances by pressing in, praying, fasting and thanking God.

~ Kirsty

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